Gaushabari union is a traditional area of Dhunat upazila developed on the bank of the Jamuna river. Today, in the later period, the Gaosabari union has its own self-sufficiency in various fields, including education, culture, religious rituals, sports and even today.
A) Name - Gosabari Union Parishad No. 4
B) Size - 2101 (O: A :)
C) Population -41226 (approximately) (According to the 2011 census)
D) Number of villages - 15
E) Number of mules - 7
F) Hat / market number-2
G) Communication medium from the upazila headquarters - bus / CNG / rickshaw
H) Literacy rate - 60% (According to the 2001 educational survey)
Government Primary School - 17,
Non-Government Registry Pvt. School- 03,
High School: 2,
Madrasah- 6
College - 2
I) Chairmen in charge - Md: Rasheduzzaman
J) Religious places - 3.
T) Historical / Tourist places - Jamuna River.
L) Setting up of UP building - 16/10/2006
D) Details of newly formed council -
1) Date of taking oath - 05/008/2011
2) First meeting - 07/08/2011
3) Date of validity - 27/07/2016
N) Village names -
Chuniyapara Gosabari Purbuadahari
West Guadahari Mabiyakhali Chithulia
Manipotal khoksabari jorkhali
Barbilla Barobila Purpura Baskapara
Natabari Paranatabari Charnatabari
O) Union Parishad Manpower -
1) Members of the elected council - 13 people.
2) Union Parishad Secretary - 1
3) Union rural police -10 people
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS